
The enormous effort involved in creating this store has been shared and supported by a number of indispensable people and organisations. I would like to credit:

Janet Finlay (my sister, roomie and friend) for her patient responses to my steady stream of "How do I?" questions on the technical side. 

The wonderful people at Ratwise Membership for shared anecdotes, information, support and a veritable avalanche of excellent photographs that I have used to enhance my work. I've done my best to acknowledge all contributors individually at the end of each document. If I've missed you out - I didn't mean to! Let me know and I will make amends. 

Ratwise members have also played the role of guinea pigs in a number of "trying to find out more" scenarios - and so we learn together. Anecdotal, yes! But interesting none the less. for filling in the visual gaps for the price of a few cups of coffee!

Zoë Lumour and her little friend, Moon who is the poster-girl rat at the top of each page. Isn't she beautiful? 

So much appreciation... 

Alison x




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